Sunday, November 11, 2007

IT'S A...???....???...

Well, this last week was kind of a rough one... Since I am over 35 I decided to do the AFP blood test. I felt fully confident that everything would be ok, that is why when I got the phone call that it was possibly not, I was in SHOCK!! They told me that my HcG level was high, which means a possibility of Downs Syndrome. I immediately scheduled an appointment for a Level II Ultrasound to see if they could find anything wrong. After taking about 70 pictures of Baby Bateman, the Dr. at UCSD said that our baby looked good but still offered to us the amnio. This is when the debating began... I never wanted to get an amnio, but after talking with a Genetic Counselor and the UCSD Dr. we considered it even though I was never really comfortable with it. As days past and after a lot of discussion and mostly Prayer, Alan & I decided not to do it. After seeing the pictures of our perfectly beautiful baby, we felt there was no solid reason for further testing. We feel confident that our baby is healthy and most importantly believe Baby Bateman is in God's hands......

Oh ya, Alan got to find out the sex of the baby. I am so curious to know, but will wait patiently till Christmas for the exciting news. :)

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